Wcag pdf sufficient techniques

Under the world wide web consortium w3c, the web accessibility initiative wai developed the web content accessibility guidelines wcag 2. Within each subsection, there may be situations to describe when a set of techniques. Access the context menu for the selected thumbnails and select page properties. Despite the weight given to the sufficient techniques in wcag 2. Pdf techniques for web content accessibility guidelines. There are subsections for sufficient techniques, advisory techniques, and failures. The checklist below, a series of tables, is based on the content of the pdf. The wcag working group encourages people to submit new techniques so that they can be considered for inclusion in updates of the techniques for wcag 2. Accessibility involves a wide range of disabilities, including. In addition to section 508 requirements, hhs has policies, standards, and requirements for electronic documents that include but are not limited to the following. A customizable quick reference now includes a view of the pdf and general techniques through the customisation panel. Specifying the document title using the title entry in the document information dictionary of a pdf document. Any changes marked are a draft and are not approved by the dpub accessibility task force and the wcag working group pdf techniques. The pdf techniques accessibility summit will identify bestpractices in tagging various cases in pdf documents.

This web page lists pdf techniques from techniques for wcag 2. In my experience, being able to point to a failure is sometimes the only way to get stubborn teams to admit they have an issue. Create html applications and forms that are wcag 2. Adding a link at the top of each page that goes directly to the main content area g4. Some advisory techniques address accessibility barriers that are not covered by the testable success criteria. Where common failures are known, these are also documented. If this is a sufficient technique for a success criterion, failing this test procedure does. Wcag techniques for web content eliquo training and. Dpub specific wcag pdf techniques w3cdpubaccessibility.

This paper presents a conceptual analysis of how the web content accessibility guidelines wcag 2. Draft pdf web standards web site information ca dept of. For these and other additional requirements, the w3cs technique documents both general and pdf specific techniques provide guidance for authors interested in complying with wcag 2. Save these settings requires cookies customize with settings above how to meet wcag 2. From web accessibility initiative web content accessibility guidelines wcag overview. Identify the difference between sufficient techniques and advisory techniques. Pdf ua clarifies and simplifies the pdf specific technical requirements to meet wcag. Responsive web design and other ways to meet this success criterion. Wcag guidelines refer to the main web content accessibility guidelines 2. The following sets of techniques are the most broadly applicable to epub content documents.

Pdf checkpoints refer to this pdf techniques for web content accessibility guidelines document. Ensure sufficient color contrast between all content that conveys meaning including all text and its background at the wcag. Show sufficient techniques and failures show advisory techniques save settings option. All of these layers of guidance principles, guidelines, success criteria, and sufficient and advisory techniques. Performing ocr on a scanned pdf document to provide actual text. Adobe acrobat is available free to the wright state community though cats you can create pdfs to meet common accessibility standards, such as web content accessibility guidelines wcag 2. Techniques and failures for web content accessibility guidelines 2. Web content accessibility guidelines working group.

Most countryspecific accessibility standards are currently based on the wcag. W3c cautions against requiring w3cs sufficient techniques. See also sufficient and advisory techniques in understanding wcag 2. For more information on these, please read pdf techniques. Modernizing pdf techniques for accessibility pdf association. Allowing the content to be paused and restarted from where it was paused g5. Select the tab order tab in the page properties dialog. A sufficient technique is one, which, if followed, will be enough to meet a. These techniques provide a clear path for demonstrating that a pdf document can meet the most current accessibility standard from the w3c. Next to each success criterion, are the sufficient techniques from the informative how to meet wcag. The checklist from section a forward is based on the wcag 2.

There are two major issues that need to be resolved to derive valid and reliable conclusions from the output of individual tests. Each numbered item in this section represents a technique or combination of techniques that the wcag working group deems sufficient for meeting this success criterion. However, it is not necessary to use these particular techniques. A customizable quick reference to read the wcag success criteria, and follow links from there to specific topics in understanding wcag 2. All the language around sufficient techniques just being examples of one way to achieve something allows the sts to have a lower threshold. The w3c has released a document on pdf techniques for wcag 2. Providing descriptive titles for web pages and associating a title with a web page using one of the following techniques. If a page uses frames and the frames are appropriately titled, this is a sufficient technique for bypassing individual frames. The w3c web content accessibility guidelines wcag 2. Ten common pdf accessibility errors with solutions uottawa.

Wcag techniques for web applications and forms eliquo. Instead, it is expected that content authors will usually use how to meet wcag 2. See understanding techniques for wcag success criteria for important information about the usage of these informative techniques and how they relate to the normative wcag. Indicating when user input falls outside the required format or values in pdf forms important information about techniques. Techniques are informativethat means they are not required. Check 1 is true for each image in the document which needs a text equivalent. We look forward to seeing many more accessible pdfs and will be interested in agencies experiences with these new techniques. Each variation css break point of the page at the same url should conform compare conformance for wcag 2. My question is therefore not what required is, but what sufficient is and i dont want to speak in favour of. This section references techniques that can be used to meet the guideline or success criterion. Using the responsive web design approach is the most effective method of achieving the goal of allowing people to zoom in to 400%.

Techniques and how to instructions to create accessible pdfs using acrobat. The techniques listed only satisfy the success criterion if all of the wcag. The following guide was created by adobe for acrobat pro dc. Techniques for pdf authored over the past two years since the release of the last update to. Applying text alternatives to images with the alt entry in pdf documents pdf2. It is not a substitute for the wcag 2 specification, and it may not cover all use. One point to note is that the wcag techniques cover a greater range of technologies and content types than are typically found in an epub publication, so many are not applicable. Aspadcd classifies accessibility errors into three categories as shown below. Technologyspecific techniques do not replace the general techniques.

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